America Economi­a is Latin America's leading business magazine, founded in 1986 by Elias Selman and Nils Strandberg. Headquartered in Santiago, Chile, it features a region-wide monthly edition and regularly updated articles online, as well as country-specific editions in Chile, Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico.


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April 14 feedback Good intro with logo. Should be higher so that SMART SOCIAL VIDEO is what is centered. Good general look & feel good. Thumbnails work well, good idea. Center one should not ...


China Eyes Latin America In Ashes Of Monroe Doctrine

First with Obama and now with Trump, the U.S. is making space for a second imperialist power on t...


The Wall Of Trump: Stand Your Ground, Pena Nieto!

-Editorial- SANTIAGO — Finally. The Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto reacted correctly to the new U.S. President Donald J. Trump, canceling the meeting they were scheduled to have last ...


Why Mexico Needs A Revolution (No, It's Not About Donald Trump)

Mexico does not need more reforms. It needs a complete overhaul of the political system that was ...


Latin America Will Need China's Help To Survive Trump

Trade with Asia will be all the more important for Latin American countries once President Obama ...


What's Really Behind Venezuela's Vanishing Banknotes

Venezuela is not running out of banknotes due to criminal or speculative hoarding.


The Social And Political Struggles Transforming Mexico

-OpEd- MEXICO CITY — "Little civil wars" are proliferating in Mexico. Yet the simmering cauldron fomenting these conflicts could also prove transformative. It would depend on how the ...


A Post-NAFTA Plan B For Trump Era? Mexico Must Get Serious

-OpEd- MEXICO CITY — Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto recently told a gathering of CEOs at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit that his country sees no need to ...