Die Tageszeitung, Oct. 7, 2015
"In your face," writes (in English) Berlin-based Die Tageszeitung on its Wednesday front page, one day after a landmark ruling by Europe's highest court made it more dificult for Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook and thousands of other companies to transfer users' data from Europe to the United States.
The famously tongue-in-cheek daily chose to illustrate the metaphorical blow for Mark Zuckerberg's social media by giving the 31-year-old founder a nice photomontage shiner.
On Tuesday, the European court of justice struck down the "safe harbour" arrangement with the U.S., which was originally signed in 2000, amid concerns it gave American intelligence agencies access to European citizens' data.
Read more about the "safe harbour" provisions, and how the decision will affect Europe-based U.S. companies, from The Guardian.
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