Next year's Chad elections will represent a novelty for the central African country. No, not a new president. Chadian voters are being asked to register to vote biometrically.

Although this method is relatively absent in more developed countries, it isn't exactly an innovation in Africa, and Chad will become the 30th country to adopt registration that uses unique physical identification of voters, Jeune Afrique reports. Voters have 45 days to register in the country's first biometrical census, ahead of the general election planned for February 2016.

According to the Paris-based magazine, the political opposition is denouncing what it sees as a "process marred with irregularities," but its implementation in other countries in the past few years, including in Nigeria for the last presidential election, has been praised as a success. Though technical issues may occur, biometrical voting is said to drastically reduce risks of ballot stuffing and to make sure that everyone gets just one vote.

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