The New York Times — Nov. 9, 2016

After a long day at the voting booths, Americans, and the world, watched and waited to see who the next American president would be. In the final, and to many, shocking, twist to this historical and polarizing campaign, Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States.

Trump, the billionaire businessman turned reality television star, was declared victorious around 3 a.m. EST, defying virtually all national polls that had predicted a Clinton victory. The surprising result shows deep American dissatisfaction with the political establishment, especially among blue-collar and white working-class voters.

As the New York Times reports, Trump, who has been highly underestimated since announcing his candidacy on June 16, 2015, won votes among men and whites without a university degree. Hillary Clinton's edge from minorities and women was not enough to take her over the top in key swing states in the Midwest.

The world now waits with great apprehension to see what a Trump presidency means for them after a campaign in which he vowed to pull the lone true superpower back from key alliances, crack down on immigration and limit free trade.

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